The Share Agency is an advertising agency that raises awareness by bringing it directly to the consumers' hands through peer-to-peer sharing.
Person one: "Did you know you get paid to share with The Share Agency?"

Person two: " Oh really? Thanks for sharing."
by $hare Bear November 26, 2021
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when someone sends you a text or other form of electronic exchange that they came up with and you like it and tell them to share it
lol, that’s such a share”
by amy theresa August 29, 2022
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When a guy shares his girlfriend with his male friend
Hey bro do you mind girlfriend sharing with me since I have no date to the movies?
by Hotstuff23 September 22, 2022
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get together with a group of friends on the last day of school before winter break and exchange sweaters
friend: "its share a sweater day, lets exchange sweaters"
other friend : "dang ok"
by caliberlylol December 19, 2022
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You are a sharing shamish if you share links with everyone you know.
by kkgotit April 15, 2023
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