A young chap who loves to spend his time recreationally smoking hasssssss and skunk. He is also a fucking moron but he means well.
Dude 1:"yo is that micah over there"

Dude 2: "Why is he trying the Mexian lawnmower with his cat!!!"

Dude 1: "silly Micah"
Micah: "giggidy goo"
by bigmamba223 April 20, 2023
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One of the most amazing people you will ever met. They are hilarious, cute, kind, caring, athletic and just super cute. Either gonna be your BFF or bf.
Person 1: Damn did you see Micah earlier?
Person 2: yeah he looked hella fine
by Urmom<333333 November 23, 2021
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weenir balls
Hey micah weenir balls
by weenah balls September 13, 2021
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If you have this name you are insanely cool and handsome and is good at every video game.If you have this name you are a ladys man and get all the girls!
AJ:"hi Micah. I checked your location in Life360 and there were 5 girls at your place what happed?"
Micah:"ya im probably going to be father"
by MIKAH the hentai god May 16, 2021
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The type of guy where you're like, "what the fuck did he just say?" Micah's are pretty beast but they also fucking suck at the same time.
"Yoooooooo is that Micah, I like that guy but he's kinda whack."
by BeastBoi6969696969 April 7, 2019
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Micah is one of the best people you will ever know. He is sweet and caring and very cute. He loves his family and friends and hates when they are sad or down. He's a great guy. He's an amazing boyfriend so if you're lucky enough to have him as your boyfriend, don't let him go. He's a great friend and will always be there for you.
Micah is such a great friend.
by Tessa Bowman December 28, 2019
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A really short and sweet dude that cannot get girls. Though he always gets to be the butt of the joke, he doesn’t let that affect his stellar personality. He gets pushed around by his friends, but he knows they care. He also has a smokin hot biological mom.
Guy 1: Should we go help the tiny guy being harassed?
Guy 2: Nah that’s Micah, everyone picks on him
Both guys go and harass Micah
by Peacoat February 27, 2020
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