Much like the brown note, the exact frequency that will make you orgasm.
when I played the oh note she came like a jack rabbit
by Therealjackwaggon June 20, 2018
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The teenage punker's way of saying 'hello'. (heaven-oh, hell-o, get it?)
'Hey there, Chi'
'Heaven-oh Lily'
'Oh oh, you're a freak. I'll just say bye-bye now...'
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(interjection) an expression of extreme joy and happiness
A: Dude, Phoebe Bridgers is coming to town.
B: Oh sick mama! I can’t wait to hear her sing live!!
by ldmdkaocmsofjc August 17, 2022
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When you have been drinking heavily and are having a great time, when suddenly you become extremely nauseous.
I was dancing at the frat party last night when I had an oh no moment and puked all over the pong table.
by mayanaze April 16, 2022
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A phrase that is repeated continuously every lesson by a devious maths teacher.
Class - "That number is actually a negative not a positive"

Timothy - "Oh boy!"
by Hero-2468 September 7, 2022
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A classic twist, and a alternative to the reaction ''oh man'', as you'd say in cases of unexpected events. Typically used by millenials, age 12-18, and is a act of surprise, followed by disappointment
''Oh manhild, there was a guy right around the corner'' - Keyboard Warrior
by IWIWI February 18, 2018
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