The act of thinking, discussing, and/or philosophizing to no one’s spiritual, mental, or physical benefit, but purely for the sake of one’s own pleasure, intellectual self-satisfaction, and/or pride.

Note: Not all intellectual and philosophical discussion is intellectual masturbation, it only falls under the definition when it doesn’t benefit those in engaged in it, only harms due to wasted time and an artificial satisfaction in one’s self.
I remember when all I would do was engage in intellectual masturbation on Discord. I would use fancy words and blabber all day about philosophy, without actually applying it in any way whatsoever. I just derived pleasure from hearing myself speak about such abstract and complex subjects. What a fool I was.
by Tea76Crumpets796 October 1, 2022
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No such thing,

no really, there is no intellectual freedom... we have to many "bullies"
NERD: Hey, I have intellectual freed...

The poor boy might have had intellectual freedom but that didn't stop the terrorists from taking it away.
by eyemaweiner October 5, 2007
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Someone who claims to be an intellectual and selectively revises any subject matter to conform with an argument that supports their identity. Essentially ass raping facts and selectively picking information to make non-existent points that support their confirmation bias and support their own idea that they are an intellectually deep thinker capable of resolving ideas no one else can.
Karen destroyed the conversation at philosophy club with her intellectual sodomy by claiming that Nietzsche must have been a eunuch because there is no historical evidence of him sharing any dick paintings with women. Intellectual Sodomite
by Mathican July 26, 2019
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The "intellectual" way to say smartass/smart-aleck/smartypants
The liberal arts guy are sorta Pseudo-Intellectual
by Sir. B September 19, 2020
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People who pretend to be experts in a field they know nothing about, AKA a Redditor.
by Sheep29 August 26, 2023
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An individual who spends more time trying to flex their intellect rather than actually wanting to learn. Pseudo-intellectuals aren't unintelligent or uneducated per se, however the crux of the issue is that they are not as intelligent as they are letting on. For example, to be an intellect on a specific subject, an intellectual would read multiple books or articles then study them in order to retain all the information. A pseudo-intellectual would read one article and label themselves an expert on the subject.
Ways to spot a pseudo-intellectual

1. Plagiarising
2. Quoting
3. Using advanced language to make themselves sound smart, but fails because they use the word incorrectly
4. They use their knowledge as a weapon. For example smart people want to pass on the knowledge they have to other people to inform them on a certain subject. Pseudo-intellectuals on the other hand seek to impress and show off, so put others down to increase their feelings of superiority and lower the self worth of others for their own personal gain
5. They like to start arguments whether it is on politics, philosophy, religion or science, but it ends up backfiring on them due to only retaining snippets of information on these topics, but not the full story, whereas their opponent has been pre-educated before the debate and read multiples books and sources on the topic throughly, thus absolutely thrashing the pseudo-intellectual in a debate. Ultimately never begin a debate on something you know nothing about because people will get the impression thag you're just desperate to flex your knowledge when there probably isn't much of it.
by Rotten Turkey May 26, 2022
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