Forum posters and moderators of megatokyo. Also a piece of shit webcomic and total waste of internet bandwidth and space
Megatokyo is filled to the brim with faggots.
by me September 25, 2003
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someone who is a homosexual person, a loser, an idiot, a dumbass, or a st. louis cardinal fan!!
Byron: you know what cubs stand for completely usless by september... hahaha
Casey: you know what st. louis stands for.....FAGGOTS!!
by Tommy2007 May 15, 2007
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Person 1: Look at that Faggot
Person 2: Yeah, he wasted his parents money
by Yeehaw The Tea Spiller March 24, 2019
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One true fat Bitch who's a real fatty and is just terrible with life
Hey! Alan right there is the faggot of faggots! He would do anything to just get a dollar :)
by ImmaTekashiUrHoeCuzImSavage January 2, 2019
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word for "gay". used when people are acting homosexually, but not always used offensively. not used as "stupid", "weird", or anything else when people say "thats so gay!" used mainly for celebrities. more fun to say than "gay".
those vampires were totally faggotous!
by alyssa&&layla&&ellen August 4, 2006
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Makin sumthin gay, destroying of a classic, or makin a gangsta into a pussy, or takin the hip hop industry down the drain!
'Too much faggotism goin today'
by ANTI-FAGGOT February 18, 2005
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