Crop-dusting /ˈkräp ˌdəst/ is the noun of the word Crop-Dusting describing the action of blowing marijuana in the from of smoke at some one, in particularly the face/nose and mouth , this person may or may not wish to inhale the smoke though. This is not only for marijuana and may be used referring to any or all drug that can be used in the form of a vapor or smoke. While this action has been popular since the 1960s this phrase has been keyed in the 21 century.
John: Why isn't Jimmy smoking?
Tom: I don't know!
John: We should go Crop-Dust him!

by HarrytheStoner July 16, 2018
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That one thing people love to do to get conversations out of context. Boomers and non boomers alike.
Though all these people are dumb and asses and manipulative shits.
Actual conversation:
A: How old are you?
B: I'm 18
A: Are you sure?
B: Yea
A: *Proceeds to send picture*

Cropped screenshot conversation:
A:*Proceeds to send picture*
by Torteee March 1, 2021
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The pattern left on a lawn after a dead project car is resurrected or sold. Normally dirt in the middle with longer grass around the outside where the mower can’t reach.
“Did you see the Bogan Crop Circle on Neil’s lawn? Looks like he sold the piece of shit."
by Cowboy Tuned July 19, 2022
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The art of walking to the other end of the office to pass wind.
Claire - there’s a really unpleasant smell at the other end of the office

Rob - Claire, stop crop spraying. Nobody wants to smell your bum.
by StumpyBob January 8, 2021
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An extra-abundant harvest of vehicle-parts dat are grown on a truck farm.
As much as some motorheads love to bash into things, they better hope dat there's always a bumper crop each year, so dat they'll be able to get replacements whenever they need them!
by QuacksO February 12, 2023
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When a person farts and that said person uses a fan of any kind to blow the stench in the victims’ path.
“Dude! Rick got me with a gnarly reverse crop dust with his box fan, it was terrible!”
by Tdriz July 11, 2022
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