A person's feet that have been chemically burned and scared by the straps of a pair of flip-flops from Wal-Mart, therefore forever branding their feet with a large capital "W" when you put both feet together. The burn is in the exact placement and shape where the straps of the flip-flop were.
After wearing a pair of cheap flip-flops from Wal-mart I got Wal-Mart feet.

Did you buy a pair of flip-flops from Wal-Mart? Because you look like you have Wal-Mart feet.
by damc October 18, 2007
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When two people intimately in love are staring at each other in Wal-mart.
Remember when I kissed you on the cheek?
That was sweet.
Remember when I kissed you on the cheek?
I enjoyed that.
It was when we felt the Wal-mart Stares.
Jennifer, I love you so so much!
And when you kissed me, I was bubbling inside with happiness.
I love you.
by Tide Detergent January 13, 2008
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A condition developed after shopping at Wal-Mart. You start getting ridiculed by family, friends and even strangers for being one of those weird people who shop at Wal-Mart. It can also lead to bullying for school kids.
Billy must have Wal-Mart Syndrome. All the kids at school are making fun of him because I got his clothing from Wal-Mart.
by Azion March 31, 2015
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When a major market pro-sport team wins a championship over a minor market team, utilizing obvious favor from the league and officiating. The league pursues "Wal-Mart Wins" so it can sell cheap licensed gear to the hapless fanbase at Wal-Mart and derive tremendous profits.
"Woohoo the Steelers just won the Super Bowl!"
"Calm down dude it was a Wal-Mart Win. You're a corporate pawn."
by aJayBoulder February 2, 2009
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This term is most commonly reffered to the guy on the sidewalk off one of the exits out of a wal-mart parking lot. He carries with him a pathetic character, usually a dog, old clothes, a sack or backpack, and, lastly, a sign that sometimes has words spelled wrong, consisting of phrases such as Work for Money, Need Help (well duh!), or Need money for food (this is most common, and most likely means i need money to get alcohol or else i might sober and do something with my life). Most people, usually pass this person by, knowing he won't do anything but spend their money on beers at the tavern, and be back out on the sidewalk in a day or two. The real assholes just buy them food, and piss the homeless guy off.
I saw that Wal-Mart Homeless Guy out there again, and almost felt bad, but then i realized he has no motivation, and will buy drugs or alcohol, so I just decided to keep my money, and use it on things of accomplishment not pity.
by StraightGuyI January 14, 2009
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Any person who poses as a Univerity of Texas Longhorn fan by wearing a recently bought jersey, shirt, fleece, hat, or any other sort of university apperal from a Wal-Mart store. This person usually has absolutely no affiliation with the Unviersity or even the city of Austin, but just wants to fit in by wearing winning colors at a cheap price.
Brian: Hey, you want to go watch the Alabama/UT game tonight?

Anthony: Thats cool, but I dont want to go to a bar and have to sit around and listen to all those Wal-Mart UT fans screaming and yelling for nothing!
by Red Raider Fan January 7, 2010
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Any Ikea. It may be Swedish, but it's still Wal-Mart.
"I just got a bargain on press board furniture and cinnamon cookies at Swedish Wal-Mart!"
by General Nuisance August 2, 2008
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