A Leo Guy is an arrogant guy, who is smart and good looking as fuck, he fucks every girl he meets, and girls are always attracted to him.
Sarah: Oh, who is this new guy?
Jessie: that's Nadd, he is totally a Leo Guy!!

Sarah: I see..
by Gthelegend June 17, 2019
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Using an obscenity at an inappropriate time. Generally makes one look classless and lacking in proper etiquette.
Setting: The 83rd Annual Academy Awards

Melissa Leo, upon receiving the Oscar: "When I watched Kate
two years ago it looked so f***ing easy!"

James Franco/Anne Hathaway: Thank you Melissa for Pulling a Leo. Just one more thing to make this night a disaster.
by medicalert March 1, 2011
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Referring to local law-inforcement from any region. Most commonly used for local cops or detectives.

They asked the Local Leo's for the evidence they collected.
by Jafje August 11, 2007
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When you confuse your side chick with your main chick.
Leo: "Hey Erin-I mean Ava." Me: Oh shit you pulled a Leo! You are pulling a Leo! (i just put that there cuz it wouldnt lemme publish it.)
by ShrekM8 February 22, 2017
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"Leo Pill" is a term used for those who physically age a number of years in a very short amount of time like Leonardo
Dicaprio resulting in looking like a completely different human being.
"Wow, John Travolta popped some serious leo pills. Look at the difference between Grease and Wild Hogs."
by djdru87bd August 27, 2011
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Very loving and caring even if there names are Jose and Dania it is even better because there love is beautiful Jose is very overprotective because he loves dania and loves to see her happy. Dania gets very jealous easily because she loves Jose and cares for him. Btw Jose is a Sagittarius and dania is a Leo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sagittarius and Leo
Jose(Sagittarius): loves dania with all his heart and wants to keep making many memories with her.

Dania(Leo): loves Jose and will never stop loving him and loves talking to him
by 12/27/21 January 7, 2022
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