chill, down to earth guys who tend to be within 16-24 years of age. They spend their days drinking natty's, grabbing ass, slamming girls, eating sandwiches and scoring on the lax field. Bros are the sexiest guys alive, they find their girls in bars or partys and once they know who they want they catch their prey. Bros are not hard to find, just look in your school, any kid not wearing a shirt has a good possibility to be a bro. Bros grab a ridiculous amount of ladies, pound down beer and party. What could be better then being a bro.
that kid is such a bro,he just pulled all 4 of those girls!
by Matty libre May 17, 2011
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a bro is a guy who parties, smokes weed, drinks, and loves to have sex. we also like to wear brands like skin,S.R.H,hostility,so-cal,metal mulisha,and more. We also like lifted trucks usually black on black or white on black. dont get us confused with skinheads they are the racist ones we arent! We like to wear hats and long black socks & bandanas.
Bro's are proud of what they do & stand for.
by bro_4_life January 9, 2010
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A douchebag who compensates for their insecurities. Usually they say they "have" or actually do "have," a lifted truck, skins, ed hardy, hollister, american eagle, or tapout apparel, shitty rap rock music i.e. kottonmouth kings, hollywood undead, disturbed etc...shitty beer like keystoned light, beer pong parties, supposed motocross or other "extreme" sports affiliation, more clothes than a woman, stupid tattoos that consist of name brands of variety or cliche tribal tattoos, a fauxhawk, shaved, or spiked hair, sometimes diamond ear rings, etc... they and gweedos are pretty much the same thing which = douchebags. They also, majority of the time hook up with easy, usually fat and/or trashy girls who are just looking for someone to show them affection. unfortunately, being a "bro" is another retarded trend that has plagued the earth, just like the whole "scene" and "emo" trend did.
"hey bro are we playing beer pong tonight? I might be a little late because i'm shining my dirt bike helmet and my ed hardy shirt needs to be washed. you should totally see the new mud flaps I got on my truck bro!"

"Even though that bro has a decent "girlfriend" somehow, he would rather hang out with all of his other "bro" friends and watch dirtbike videos or do some other douchebag nonsense, instead of hanging out with his girlfriend. He is a big ol' gay since he likes surrounding himself with a bunch of dudes all of the time, and not his girlfriend.
by PECKER GOBLIN January 15, 2010
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A male who usually dresses very preppy, popped collars, polos, ect. Usually they have a shaved head or fohawk. Likes or plays football, hockey, lacrosse, or any other sport that involves spanking or touching another players ass in congratulation for a good play. They will usually use black slang although most of the time they're white. There is no defining music but most tend to listen to rap or some sort of rock. When they do hang out with girls they tend to be "bro-hoes". "Bro-hoes" are pretty much the female equivalent of a bro who only go out bros and are almost as manly. An easier way to describe a bro is a preppy looking jock.
The bros are hanging around the *insert sport related place here* again.
by PureAwesomeness January 7, 2008
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any male that is gay, but will not out right admit it.
most often white males about 18-22
usually found in service academys.
a common misconception is that its required that one plays lacrosse to be a bro. this is simply not true.
a prime example of bro behavior is going out for a nice game of football in the snow on the beach. Another would be taking a couple of cases of natty light to the beach to pregame with just the bros.
by CrAzYbiznatch January 22, 2009
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Quite possibly the most retarded and juvenile drinking game in history. Usually occurs simultaneously with other drinking games when, inevitably, at a party full of bros, enjoyable times with friends gives way to nonsensical binge drinking. It is unclear from an evolutionary perspective why a male of the species would present a foul tasting beverage to another male and expect them to take a knee and consume it when there is usually much better tasting beer available. Perhaps it is an expression of the often felt, but forbidden sexual attraction they feel for one another. Other experts contend that these rituals are necessary to portray one's dedication to extremism and "bro-ing out." Still, other scholars claim that these actions are fundamental to the "bro" maintaining his harem of over privileged and unattractive females with which he may drunkenly mate with. Whatever the explanation, society can only hope that this behavior leads to the extinction of the "bro."
example of bros icing bros...

Bro: "Bro, I just totally iced you bro! Take a knee and chug!"

Non-Bro: "Um. No. I'd much rather enjoy this beer instead of drinking your piss-water bitch drink. I can't believe you spent money on that fruity flavored garbage you worthless piece of shit."
by unknown9626 June 13, 2010
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a total douche bag. someone who wears way too much hollister clothing for their own good. they have a doofy hat thats always tilted to the side or halfway on their head. usually they wear a two size too small shirt and extremely ripped jeans. they think confederate flags are cool and say "faggot" like theyre getting paid every time they say it. these kids have ugly girlfriends who are dumb as shit and extremely fugly, but they brag about them like theyre hot as hell. usually they all have a central hangout where they all converse. where im from, its a mcdonalds. they do EVERYTHING there. they play football in the parking lot, hang out in the parking lot, are annoying as hell when they walk in and they talk like rocky balboa.
Bro 1: "yo, man did you see that hot chick"
Bro 2: "yeah dude too bad she was with some other faggot"
by sixtyninerinthepooper January 10, 2008
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