Waste of Time. A male or female that leads you on or plays mind games with you. One that has cruel intentions.
I was gonna call Laura today but I didn't bother cause she's a WOT.
by Mike April 27, 2003
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"WOT" Stands for Wall of Text, when used by someone on a message board who fails to paragraph his/her post.

Somewhat of a pun as "wot is also sort for "what" indicating you don't get what he/she says.
Person A ) " I rlly hate this game because it has so many things wrong with it like when you shoot the black guy he doesn't die and when you shoot your girl friend she dies but she doesn't beg to live making it a pretty stupid game as well as the fact that when you drive your call really really fst it doesn't really work so the staff who made this game are just idiots who have been trained for 2 years but clearly they didn't learn anything jsut like i dont know how to spell or write or anything. It bcms evn mor anyin wen 1 strts 2 rite lyk dis cos nw tis nt pssible to read. "

Person B) " WOT "
by Mschumi January 25, 2010
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Term meaning "To guess" or "To wager"
That snake what just bit your ankle is right venomous, I'll wot.
by R. Deschain June 27, 2011
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Wot - World Of Tanks , used by some World Of Tanks players as a shortcut
Billy - Do you play Wot?
Doris - yes i do!
by Primejani March 18, 2016
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That conference call we were just on was a WOT.
by bigcatdad February 15, 2011
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The term ‘wot’ is obviously the n00b/l33t spelling or interpretation of the word ‘what’. People who are either too lazy or too cool to use proper grammar are often seen shortening/hyphening words for their own easy convenience. Such a time would be during online play of games such as Half-Life 2, or World of WarCraft; the term itself, and the ‘language’, originated far before this, however.

Obviously, ‘wot’ is not the correct spelling of ‘what’, and is therefore seen most often as a mistake when printed in the English language. For apparent reasons, the word ‘wot’ is not pronounced, but merely read. However, if one were to pronounce ‘wot’, it would more or less sound like ‘watt’.
ur m0m: hahaha i just pwned u!!!

elohel: wot...WOT
by Lord Altan April 6, 2005
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