The absolute best instrument in the band.
While players range, a high amount of people can play this piece of brass beauty incredibly well.
It is also includes a painful mouthpiece, lots of valve oil, slide grease, and a slightly heavy case.
**Caution: Never attempt a High C (above the staff) in your first year playing**
Believe me, the trumpet is so awesome, no words can exactly explain its awesomeness.
by trumpetplayer December 14, 2016
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Usually played by a cocky person who thinks he is the best and that his instrument is also....even though it only has three keys and sounds like an elephant.
Trumpet Player: "Hey I'm the best and so is the trumpet."
reg. person: "uhhh dude what did u do to you're car? The only thing that still works is the horn."
by clarinetist September 19, 2003
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An instrument played by the cockiest of band members. Those who play the trumpet tend to think they are the gods of the band.
That arrogant bastard is such a trumpet.
by euphoniumshadow19 October 30, 2008
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Played by pompousjerks who believe they are superior to their fellow band members. Very rarely played correctly and very often blasted. The only time trumpet players get any action is at band camp.
"What's this song supposed to be? I don't hear anything but noise..."
"Yeah, that band has way too many trumpets."
by trumpet hater July 20, 2005
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Usually a very loud abnoxious instrument. Usually the conductor or band director will play one; probably because it's way louder than the rest of the instruments.
"What comes after a conductors cut-off? A trumpet solo!"
"Who is that abnoxious girl? Oh thats the trumpet player."
by Briittaanyyy November 16, 2005
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A nickname given to one who regularly participates in gay sex with their employers. Sometimes, they may take it to extreme levels, resulting in giving a rusty trombone or a strawberry shortcake to their unfortunate bum loving boss.
Adrian: Do you want to come over to my place tonight?
Trumpet: Yes definately!
Adrian: Don't give me another strawberry shortcake, it really hurt last time!
by mr z September 28, 2006
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1. noun. a joint rolled skinny at the blunt, blossoming wide and conical at the end.
This trumpet's big enough for both of us, let's share it.
by Ryan Paine February 9, 2008
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