Half of a chug
Man 1: Chug this beer.
Man 2: No, I can't
Man 1: Fine, just take a swig you pussy.
by cane4lyf September 16, 2008
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(S)omething (W)e (I)ndians (G)ot , Swig is the indian version of the word "swag". Invented by some Indians in South Africa swig is now a very popular word amongst teenage indians.
Raj: Hey Bru! My Tires is so swig!
by James Poultney April 23, 2012
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a slang term fore a person or friend
shup swig?
person A: shup Swig
person B: nushin swig
by Marissa Cooper June 23, 2005
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A bad ass way of drinking where you tilt your head back like a swaggamuffin
Oi bro do a danger swig!
by Swaggadon 2000 February 16, 2017
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A person who cannot handle their alcohol (same as lightweight)
Jonathan: "Christopher would you like another drink?"

Christopher: "No mate I think I've had too many spritzers already"

Jonathan: "Shit Swig!"
by Tullygeneric June 25, 2010
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n. The small sip you take from a water bottle to ensure that you have enough room to shake the bottle, adequately dissolving your propel, crystal light, or other flavor additive.
Concerned Friend: "Dude, your propel's flavor consistency will be awful unless you take a wiggle swig first. I'm telling you--you won't be able to shake it if you don't."
by The Satire Guy August 27, 2009
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a cooler sounding way of saying "sweet deal." or should i say, "figgin sig wig to say swig dig"??? NOW you feel it.
clive: dude, what are you going to eat tonight?
ruttiger: dude probably a big sandwich!
clive: swig dig dude.
ruttiger for rig.
by sig master January 15, 2007
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