Communication (words, conversation, prose, etc.) that have little to do with the question or objective at hand. Speaking for it's sake with disregard to true meaning or value.
by Rick October 4, 2003
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When one ejaculate's on their partner's face and spreads it in a circular motion with their penis.
"I did a great spackling job last night"
by Big Tuna82 January 31, 2012
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if u fart when u have a sweaty ass-crack your ring makes a spackling sound
i fucking spackling!
by lewi-p December 6, 2003
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V. to spackle, to poo just a bit and let it rub ur undergarment (leaving a stain; skid mark) before letting it retreat back into the lower colon.


to bend over a sleeping partner and spread you but cheeks and let the poo poke out and rub (leaving a brown mark) on thier nose before leting it retreat into the lower colon.
man i needed to "drop the kids off" so bad last night i splaked on my girlfriends face!

ohh man i need to shit soo bad im spackling in my superman outfit!
by xXBaHZoRsXx May 31, 2009
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Seminal fluid that one has stored (usually jarred/canned) for use as a lubricant during sexual intercourse at a later time.
Jimmy dipped the bologna pony into the luke-warm jar of spackle jack before thunder fucking Todd's b-hole
by maMFz11 January 15, 2019
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When someone has every orifice, hole, crack and crease in/on their body filled with semen. Generally in reference to a megawhore, super slut or uberskank.
My neighbor is a true multi-tasker. She'll take it everywhere and from everybody. That girl leaves no hole unfilled. She's spooge-spackled up to her eyelids!!

Make sure to fill in every hole in his body. This boy needs to be spooge-spackled before the night is through...

That girl is a spooge-spackled princess aint she?
by MidCenturyMr February 4, 2010
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