People who for the most part work their asses off 12 hours a day for people who will never understand half of the thing they have to do, half of the things they have to know, why they do what they do, or why it needs to be done.

They are constantly harassed by the lowest form of life on this planet, yet go out there day after day protecting your sorry asses from people who are sick and tired of your shit, and who if it wasn't for the Police, would be in the process of killing you, if they hadn't already.
If you get pulled over by the police, you were probably DWHUA.
by Imockdeath January 18, 2006
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a lazy person who goes to college and picks the easiest major (criminal justice) where they don't learn anything about the us constitution. these people don't know what the bill of rights is and stomp all over it when enforcing unconstitutional laws passed by legislatures just trying to collect more tax from the populus. police are ignorant to how brainwashed they are by their training and are ignorant to the fact that they are just henchmen for the lawmakers. they believe that they're doing a service to society when busting a couple kids for underage drinking or casual drug use. this is a side effect of their being brainwashed which makes them think that people aren't be able to decide for themselves what's good for them.
the police were unconsitutional... again.
by tuscalusa August 23, 2007
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The lowest echelon of the law-enforcement heiarchy in most countries. They recieve little respect, mainly because most people refuse to accept responsibility for actions they know to be illegal.
The Police didn't make you smoke that crack. But they did bust your apathetic ass for it.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 20, 2005
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A professional asshole. Often found eating donuts and inflicting misery upon others.
Cannot even entertain the idea that he/she could be wrong about something. In their minds, they are infallible.
Someone who hates fun.
I accidentally ran a stop sign today, and of course the asshole police were right there to give me a ticket. $400 and higher insurance for a single mistake, thanks popo.

Dude, there was a knife fight in the hall of my apartment. Took the popo 45 minutes to get there. Probably because they wouldn't be able to write anyone tickets, so it wasn't a priority.

Fuck the police.
by Teleboner April 17, 2010
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They're formal job is thought to protect and serve civilians. But in actuality, police is simply and truely bastards. According to journalists across America, Police officers hurt civilians more than they help.
Dude 1: Why did you get a ticket violation?
Dude 2: I got it 'cause I fed other people's parking meter and the meter maid witnessed me for doing it. It's not like it's illegal. She called the police over to ticket me.
Dude 1: The damn police pigs are fucking harsh!
Dude 2: I was doing it because Mancow did it and reported about it.
Dude 1: Yea, Mancow is cool like that.
by AgainstPolice May 29, 2009
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A term used for irritating or provoking the police or a police officer. Similar to how arthritis is similar to irritation of a joint.
You better follow the instructions of the police when they pull you over otherwise you are asking for policeitis.
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