A small, weak, Middle Aged woman-like idiot.
Tom is such a huge ninny!
by Urbaaaaannnnnnnn May 6, 2020
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A small, weak and middle aged woman-like person
Isn’t Tom such a ninny?
by Urbaaaaannnnnnnn May 6, 2020
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A term that is used to refer to someone who is being ridiculous, silly, or who is slightly off their rocker. Often used affectionately.
Mr. Holt, you are being quite a ninny today.
by bits99 May 4, 2021
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a pushover, like a noob.
Bobert: Wow, that kid that plays runescape is such a ninny. I stole all his money, ate his girlfriend, and fed him to a boar and he didn't even think twice about it!

Sam: Hey man, wanna play some b ball?
Cheechee: Well, I uh, I kinda wanna play some more runescape.
Sam: You fucking ninny.
by Ninny Barberino December 18, 2006
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1. a stupid or silly person, an idiot (from nincompoop)

2. a woman's breast (usually plural)
by The Return of Light Joker November 24, 2007
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Ninni is the most weird girl in whole school. She get's mad really easily but also forgives easily. She has brunette hair and probably wears glasses. Ninni is not very popular, but still has some amazing friends. She is also very kind and lovely.
she's so ninni!
by gymnasticsforlife September 25, 2017
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That chick is such a NINny she bought a blow-up doll and named it Trent Reznor
by AJ Kash August 21, 2009
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