Sexual term for anal sex. A word that portrays the sound and act of anal sex.
She may be drunk enough for magoo tonight.
by Etrain77 October 12, 2011
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means I love you in the sincerest way without sounding like a hallmark commercial.
by doggma082 October 14, 2011
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to die in a hilarious manner in a video game, accident or not
"damn how did brittany die?"
"idk she just got magooed though"
by thehouse69 April 16, 2018
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A bisexual man that is more atracted to men and likes people to know that he has had sexual relationships with men. It can also be used as a term for a very gay person who is embarrasing.
Man 1 "that Magoo over there just told me about this guy he had sex with last night"
Man 2 "god he is such a magoo isnt he?"
by Worcester fellow November 11, 2007
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Modern Cockney rhyming slang for going to the toilet. A person would use this term when giong for a crap and wants to inform his colleagues or friends in a uncouth manner.
'Scuse me I'm off for a magoo, be right back.
by Hypnosid April 27, 2010
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1. The feeling when you wake up from a long night of drinking.

2. The taste of a REALLY strong drink.
As the hung over individual wakes up with a pounding headache and his mouth tasting like a litterbox, he states "Magoo..."
by King Fat Cock (AKA: KFC) August 10, 2009
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An often small, skinny nerd who has a bowl cut. He starts fights with everyone but is incredibly weak and small
Did you see that Magoo in the weight room? I went up and said get in the library nerd.
by SupMang May 25, 2008
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