Juliana is an amazing person.She is very shy and quiet.If you start talking to her she turns into this amazing girl that will make you fall in love with her.She is also very dirty minded she likes to talk freaky.Juliana dosent chase guys,she let's them chase her.She is very beautiful funny and overall an amazing person.She knows how to keep a guy attracted to her.Shes also very loyal to the people she loves.
Who's the new girl?
Oh that's Juliana she's amazing !
by Austin Jomes November 11, 2017
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Genuinely the nicest people you can meet. They have that shy, calm, and chill vibe. However, once you truly meet them as a person, turns out they’re easily excited and happy. They know when to rest when it comes to having a somewhat bad mood. A very loyal friend who could listen to your rants, even if they themselves are unable to say a thing. Probably simps for a fictional character of sorts (or celebrity crush).

Sometimes insecure but tries their best to feel much better. Not so athletic but can stand some sports that are easy. Often quiet when tired when it comes to talking. They seem like the bookworm type and often are. It doesn’t need to be the hardcase fictional book, probably fanfictions at most. Makes amazing pasta by the way. They give nice compliments and have a voice that feels like spring, its soft yet somehow loud if that makes sense.
Juliana, Absolute swag.
by ajeux February 9, 2021
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A beautiful, funny, intelligent, Sicilian brunette girl that has her own style, yet may occasionally seek the Charlotte Russe look and spends her summer tanning.
Girl #1: Oh my God, do you see how tan she is?? I wish i was that tan! And look at that dress, it's adorable!

Girl #2: Yeah, she's totally pulling off the Juliana look well.
by juanboy89 January 28, 2011
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A smart,funny,sweet,sexy and caring girl who loves with all her heart. She’s also a crazy psycho bitch when you mess with someone she cares about. If you know Juliana she either likes you and will have your back right or wrong or she doesn’t care for you in which case you better watch your back. Juliana loves one man and one man only and he owns her heart forever. If you ever meet a Juliana you are the luckiest person in the world. She is pure awesomeness.
by Mickey1/: April 24, 2019
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a super hot cutie who is awesome and funny and a straight up gangsta, and who hangs out with a pretty sick crew of people 2 of which are the baddest mothers youl ever meet.bottom line you will want to meet this girl!!
wyatt-dude! whos that, shes fine as hell.
dylan-thats juliana and yes she is
by wutangnut69 April 4, 2011
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Juliana typically has long, blond hair, and gorgeous blue-green eyes. She wears modest-looking eyeliner that only makes her eyes look even more stunning. She is said to be beautiful and talented. Lots of boys hit on Juliana for her good looks, which she won't agree she has. Juliana is usually upbeat, happy, and loud. Everyone turns heads when she walks in the room. She isn't willing to change for any boy, as she says "I'm not a perfect girl. I'm fun. If a guy wants a girl he can just have fun with, here she is. But I'm not changing, no matter how much I like him."
She is very talented in music. And while Juliana is crazy and fun-loving, she is very shy around her not-every-day people. Unless she knows everyone and everyone is her age, she is shy at parties as well. But she will warm up to you, and when she does, you'll be in love.
"Dude, who's that?"
"That's Juliana."
"Man, I just went hard."

"I want a girl who can have fun. Someone like Juliana."

"Juliana's so loud and annoying."
"Yeah, but she's my best friend, and maybe you should learn to have fun like her, and stop judging everybody."
by girllookatthatbody August 23, 2012
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Juliana, Alexandria, Tara, Tabitha, Jessie, Etc.
by little liss November 12, 2010
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