by loyality July 31, 2009
a new style of dance and music hitting northern california and growing rapidly
the dance style is composed of three moves: dippin, jerkin, and "the reject". combined with some stylish hand and body movements, you can create your own style of jerkin!
the music to go along with jerkin can be anything that is energetic. some bands made songs just for the dance like
The Push-Teach Me How to Jerk and
New Boyz-You're a Jerk
the dance style is composed of three moves: dippin, jerkin, and "the reject". combined with some stylish hand and body movements, you can create your own style of jerkin!
the music to go along with jerkin can be anything that is energetic. some bands made songs just for the dance like
The Push-Teach Me How to Jerk and
New Boyz-You're a Jerk
by J3RK-550 August 14, 2009
by skatman July 29, 2003
1 find the jerk given an equation for velocity
2 A: Dude your a second derivative of velocity
B: Thanks I guess
Calculus students: *Laughing*
2 A: Dude your a second derivative of velocity
B: Thanks I guess
Calculus students: *Laughing*
by cyberbullying December 2, 2011
jerk is someone who bullies or acts like a complete bitch their intire life. I s uggjest you to stay the FUCK away from them.
by jadeleerudolph February 6, 2017
by garb master March 19, 2005