A term for a person who has a small penis. Derived from the running joke that the person's penis was so small it resembled a jelly bean in size and dimension.
"Zack got upset when his friends called him jelly bean"
by Zack February 17, 2005
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Any girl who is smart, sexy, athletic, has a great body, Likes both Rap and Rock, and is very physically abusive.
Aziza: Man, she is such a Jellie Bean!

Nik: I know! Yesterday she punched me in the face while singing the Lil Wayne remix of a Fall Out Boy song.
by Nicholas N. September 10, 2007
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a racial slur used to insult people how are not of white skin color ( african americans) it has strated as a facebook trained but has bin pikced up around the world and has even been used for some latins
man those jelly beans are addicted to chicken

jelly beaners work hard as hell

jelly bean be trippin
by !@#_$@! July 25, 2010
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rabbit waste found during Easter that children may pick up and eat, mistaken for jelly beans during an Easter Egg Hunt.
I peed my pants when I saw the kids running around gobbling up the organic jelly beans near the church lawn.
by Mills fokk August 2, 2009
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Hey did you know AJB is on Tony Hawks Underground in game soundtrack?
by dr_gonXXI October 3, 2004
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Jenny always reached orgasm every time the Magic Jelly Bean got involved in the action.
by PoOpa FoOker September 24, 2015
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