If your American READ~ It’s a thing that actually happened, no conspiracy about this as it’s literally History. If you still can’t keep up, it’s like the rest of the world saying that JFK never got shot.
Jessica and Ashley told their teacher that the Holocaust never happened. They saw an article of Facebook, so i must be true.
by Study skillz 4 lif3 December 28, 2021
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Today me and my other fellow 8 th graders closed our books to the holocaust and this is my definition I came up with.
A word that can never be forgotten. An act of war against mainly Jewish, homosexuals, romas (gypsies) and ones with special needs. Millions were shipped to ghettos such a Warsaw and lodz but were later sent to concentration camps and killing centers such a aushwitz and treblinka. Not many survived the Holocaust as many were shot to death and thrown into piles which moved for days and other were gased with Zyclon B in large "showers" or we're sent on death marches and died. All had harsh endings. I can't tell you all of it even though I want to. Only about a couple thousand survived my heros
During the Holocaust Hitler and his fellow Nazis killed millions of Jewish people.
by An8thgrader March 25, 2014
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1. An event taking place in Europe from 1939 to 1945. In the Holocaust, the Nazis exterminated approximately 11 million people, the majority of these people being Jewish. Other religions and ethnic groups who were killed in the Holocaust include Roman Catholics, Romas, Jahova Witnesses, Homosexuals, and menatly and physicaly disabled people. Many people deny that the Holocaust ever occured, despite undeniable evidence of the slaughter of over 11 million people.

2. A disaster on a major scale.
1. The Nazis forced children and elderly people into shower rooms filled with poison gas during the Holocaust.
2. People thought that North Korea was going to start a nuclear holocaust.
by SaucyWolf March 7, 2010
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an event taking place under the Nazi government in Europe from 1939 to 1945 in which six million Jews and five million homosexuals, gypsies, Catholics, disabled people, Russians, Slavs, etc. were rounded up and slaughtered. Although other genocides have also happened, the Holocaust is unique in that it was the only genocide which was industrialized. The people organizing it were concerned with transportation, efficiency, materials, disposal, etc.
by DKB April 14, 2006
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Origin: Greek

1)Complete devastation or destruction usually by means of fire.

2)Burnt offering or sacrifice.

3)The name of the atrocities against Semites, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Slavs etc by the Nazi Regime in the early 1940s
The Holocaust is most often associated with one of the most despicable and evil acts of mass murder committed by Nazi War criminals.
by GrizzlyBearone September 6, 2011
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