Ripping hot abs reminiscent of a cheese grater.
Adam says "Hey you wanna see something?"
lifts his shirt and then says "check out my cheese grater". Free perve for all :D
by Resident Mong Bean October 4, 2009
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The act of cutting oneself with a cheese grater.
The only true and brutal way to cut yourself is with a cheese grater. Only pussies use razors and knives.

Go cut yourself with a cheese grater emo kid.
by Frony May 28, 2008
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The feeling of the cheese grater on my dick filled me with such euphoric pleasure, beyond anything I've ever felt before.
by EnderBro March 28, 2021
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also known as a cock grinder, it's when a womans pussy is seemingly sharp, which leaves ur cock red raw

pain and pleasure or nothing

choices, choices!
person1: i heard this girl im about 2 fuck has a sharp pussy, or cheese grater wot do i do
person2: take it like a man and fuck the bitch!!
person1: cheers bud!
by DJ SPYKERZ(SCOUSED OUT) October 7, 2009
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when girl has braces and she is giving a guy head, and she rips the skin off of the guys dick like when a cheese grater cuts cheese.
"Bro last night Cara gave me head!"
"Doesn't she have cheese graters?"
by RichardV123 May 10, 2009
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Verb. When a man gets sucked off by a woman (or man) with braces
Man 1: Did you hear that Jeff got cheese gratered?
Man 2: Yeah, he might have to go to the hospital

Both: Gross
by Get rekt kid September 15, 2019
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when you givin top but you start shredding it with your braces
yo Lindsay gave me top yesterday and she started shredding me with the cheese grater
by biglol420 November 9, 2019
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