Wearing outer-garments with no under-garments.
"Dude, those shorts are TOO short and baggy for freebirding!"
by Jerah Benven February 3, 2006
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Covering yourself with fecal matter and seamen, naked, and playing "Free Bird" by Lynard Skynard on an out-of-tune guitar.
by Octavio Hermendez December 7, 2006
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When a man wears no underwear under his clothes.
Angus was freebirding it under his kilt
by lulu2 February 1, 2006
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Freebird (v.t.)

The act of intentionally changing the actual results of an election, poll, or group decision by manipulating the final count to reflect the outcome desired by the person tallying the information.
Ex. 1: The senior class president didn’t like the class’ choice of “Free Bird” as their graduation song, so she decided to freebird, replacing it with her favorite.

Ex. 2: The principal freebirded the results of the students’ “Movie Night” vote, choosing a more appropriate movie.

Ex. 3: Ignoring all evidence, the news commentator freebirded statistics on Black Lives Matter, decrying them to be a terrorist organization
by Oldster_93428 June 29, 2020
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when a man pees, preferably into a conventional toilet bowl but alternatively a urinal, while victoriously waving his clenched fists over his head, as tribute to the pleasure of manhood.
Though it started as a fight, we soon realized that warm feeling was neither blood nor sweat--but freebirding. Also, we're gay.
by Sirblondie June 22, 2009
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Chipotle on steroids. Usually found near college campuses in the US. Not for ritzy people. Go to Chipotle if you want ritzy.
I went to Freebirds yesterday, and it was so awesome, that it was like have sex.
by Fastcasualrestaurant May 20, 2013
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When a shit lasts so long that you are able to listen to the entire song by Lynyrd Skynyrd while on the toilet.
After that Mexican last night, I had to take one hell of a freebird shit.
by funnythatsmyname October 27, 2010
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