When you are procrastinating a task at work and do something else non-work related.
Boss: "Hey, stop Dick-Balling about and get them products added onto the website!"

Lazy Employee: "Sorry Sir, I will get back to work ASAP."
by Best WWO Employee October 9, 2023
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when you fuck a girl anally and you make her swallow your balls and dick at the same time after a sweaty night. Then you give her a hot karl and a donkey punch.
Your mom gives good dicks and balls challenges every friday night.
by lil squat October 12, 2008
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A dick ball is when a bowler bowls the cricket ball and nips back into your dick.
“Go on Cleggy, bowl a dick ball.”


“Not another dick ball” he says whilst the batter drops to the floor.
by Nickyk11 June 9, 2019
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ya like dick and balls? maybe cock too?
Callmecarson: ya like dick and balls?
Ninja Tyler Blevins: nah, only balls
jschlatt: *is proud*
by slasi October 27, 2020
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Person 1: Ahhhhhh Dick Balls!
Person 2: What is dick balls?
Person 1: A trifecta of dicks!
by Bruce, I am a nice shark October 9, 2010
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A meme that started from a tumblr post which read:
sext: penise and also dicke and balls
this meme is often used ironically by meme pages on facebook.
gf: send me something sexy
me: penise and also dicke and balls
by Bigbootybuttholechuggin69 December 30, 2016
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When you just paid all your bills for the month and don’t have much cash to go out and have fun with.
Man, I really want to go to that concert but i’m outta dick, outta balls til next Thursday .
by BasedButt August 21, 2019
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