Error 404: this place could not be found because it is not real
Oliver: hey do you want to go to wyoming
Nate: wyoming doesnt exist you fucking knob-jockey
by tripletoaster420 January 3, 2021
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State in the western USA where Coloradans go to buy fireworks that are illegal in Colorado and fugitives go to hide.
And there's some cows and shit too...
by Bella_x April 29, 2005
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Chicago is the windy city, Wyoming is the Windy State.

Has many, many natural resources (only Texas produces more oil) and has some of, if not the largest coal mines in the world, not many people, but generally accepting of others, so long as they don't butt into other people's lives. Often said to hold true to the Constitution (that all men are created equal), and where liberals are generally looked down upon (especially when liberal groups try to stuff laws down our throats, just look up a few things from the Matthew Shephard Case, the media and many gay rights activist groups tried to force new laws on us and make us into hicks), fairly Conservative (we may have a Democrat for a Governor, but he did not approve of any of the Democratic Candidates), the people of Southern Wyoming don't really like the Greenies (Coloradans) too much, especially during "border wars" between Universities of the 2 states.
The reason that Wyoming is so windy is because Montana blows and Colorado sucks.

Texas lost their Cowboy way, so it's down to Wyoming now.

Cowboy Up. (Means, in short, to toughen up for whatever comes your way).
by A Wyoming Guy January 26, 2008
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A place in the western united states border by Idaho, Montana,Colorado,Utah,South Dakota, and Nebraska. A place where we hate how most of the rest of the country is. We do have internet and cell phones and almost everyone has those things. No sheep aren't scared in wyoming, raising cattle and sheep do make money though.

Hey I know everything about Wyoming I live in the damn state and its very real.
Lets go get hammered at the forge in lander wyoming
by JosephSimpson89 October 4, 2011
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Where men are men, women are scarce, and the sheep are nervous.
"Where do you live?"
"I'm sorry"
by Timorabi July 28, 2009
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P1"Dude, my dad's wyoming again."
P2"Bruh, that sucks. My dad wyomed three years ago."
P1"Lmaooo, you suck"
P2 then fucking dies
by Collloser The Typer Boi November 28, 2021
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