A ranga is a basically a person with red hair and pubes, fiery bastards who'll tear you to shreds if you put shit on them
by ImYourRangaBitch November 14, 2019
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When a person has very pale skin, Red hair, and freckles. made famous by the use of it on Australia's comedy "Summer Heights High"
Person 1: Hey look, a Ranga
Person 2: I hate them lets kill it.
by Bwenen November 13, 2007
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Someone with red, orange or ginger hair, often in denial, loves to drink fanta and eat carrots.
Normal person: FUCK AHH ITS A RANGA
Ranga: I'm not ranga, I'm strawberry blonde!!
by tillajims October 23, 2009
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A person with with orange hair as opposed to someone with regular genes, a ranga usually has fair skin, freckles and blue eyes, however ranga is usually used in reference to someone with orange hair.

Derived from Orang-utan, it is a derogatory name for the subject.
Johnson: Oi see Gary over there...

Smithee: The ranga?
by Josh2nv August 11, 2008
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A descriptive term for a person with:
- orange hair (ranging from deep sandy coluour to burnt orange, (often described as "red" hair); and
- light complexion usually with dominant freckles, especially visible on the face.

Historic usage not intended to be derogatory - a term of endeerment. Similar example - "blonde" or "blondie".

Derived from the word orange or "oranger" - drawing from the typically orange hair and look.

Despite popular belief, the word ranga is not derived from "orangutan". These animals have a range of colours including browns, greys and reds, depending on gender, age, species, locale.
Mummy why are do they call that boy with the orange hair and freckles a "ranga"?
by Ridgemac July 18, 2010
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The word Ranga is usually somebody red haired and 90% of the time named cooper. Ranga usually has lazy eyed syndrome and can be hard to talk to during conversations enfolding big groups of people. Ranga usually bully others to make himself feel better.
Dave-“Hey that guy is putting me down and making me feel sad
Greg-“ don’t worry he’s Ranga”
by Thecreepydudespyingonurmisses September 10, 2019
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someone with red hair. most rangas cant accept it so they say they have brown hair or strawberry blonde
by The Truth of lies August 10, 2023
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