A girl who is shy and cute. If she counts you as a close friend she will act all crazy around you. She is always exited. She will be all shy around you and will ask alot of questions about you or your health. She will always down grade herself by calling herself fat or else. You will be a lucky man if you date her. She will always take care of you and cook for you. Will always be loyal and by your side and try to cheer you up.
Someone: Hey whats her name? She is kinda shy i cant ask her.
A guy: she is Nino, yea she is shy
by HahaDeed April 25, 2019
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A nasty fat slut/bitch who steals her best friends boyfriend.
I can't believe she stole my boyfriend, what a nino!
by beeanieehoe July 29, 2009
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1) One whose nose bleeds when confronted with any sort of physical contact with the ground.
2) One who is sacked.
Nice catch Blanco Nino, but too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked.
by SpookyTree April 23, 2004
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Nu-Metal tribal band that sounds like Soulfly. Great band, Great Live. Newest CD is One Nation Underground which kicks some ass. Great Songs on One Nation are: This is War, Corazon of Mine and De La Vida. Used to be called El Nino...
Ill Nino rox my sox!
by Kevin aka theSaint December 16, 2005
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What is this I see? Could it be... a nu-metal band that is actually good? I think it is!
ill NiNo is one of the few nu-metal bands worth your time, do yourself a favor and give them a chance.
by Chernorizets Hrabr November 2, 2004
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major spanish rock band with two amazing albums with mild portians of spanish lyrics
ill nino rock the party that rocks the body
by BlackDragonV1 November 16, 2003
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Along with Disturbed, probably the best Nu-metal band in existance. They hail from Brazil.
Best song, "How Can I Live"- Freddy vs. Jason soundtrack, Confessions
Ill Nino just arrived on the scene, but already are they putting out great music that totally destroys other nu-metal bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit.
by Jason Voorhees October 25, 2003
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