Using the spare capacity of a computer to contribute towards medical research, using programs provided by Stanford University's F@H, Folding at Home protein folding research project.

Folders score points according to how much of a contribution they have made to the F@H project.

Folders usually join teams, and there is a team spirit with inter-team challenges.
Millions of people across the planet are now folding for a cure.
How many rigs have you got folding?

I'm a folding addict.
by logicman_alf September 27, 2006
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"I don't have any folding, I'll have to go to the cashpoint."
by LucarioIzumi March 8, 2017
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1. The act of failing in a real life event/situation
2. Getting dropped in a fight or video game
"This man right here 'bout to get folded!"
by Lil B Jimmy July 10, 2019
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Using the spare capacity of a computer to contribute towards medical research, using programs provided by Stanford University's F@H, Folding at Home project.

Folders score points according to how much of a contribution they have made to the F@H project.

Folders usually join teams, and there is a team spirit with inter-team challenges.
Millions of people across the planet are now folding for a cure.

How many rigs have you got folding?

I'm a folding addict.
by logicman_alf September 26, 2006
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When your penis remains flaccid leading up to sexual intercourse, your last 'hail mary' is to fold your penis is half in an attempt to jam it in; hoping the mere friction will stimulate blood flow.
I was all out of options with Karen last night, so I tried the fold...
by jim jeffcoat October 17, 2019
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A verb meaning that someone sucks horribly, and fails at almost everything. Origins; Chaminade College, Tronto.
You failed that open book test. You fold!
by Mr. Dark October 5, 2006
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