Man's way of telling God "You can't fire me, I quit"!
I once tried to commit suicide by hanging myself using a bungee cord. I kept on almost dying. I told my psychiatrist I was having suicidal thoughts, he told me from now on I had to pay in advance - Rodney Dangerfeild
by Supreme Leader of Fucking April 30, 2020
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Feeling the need to hurt yourself.
Therapist:Are you feeling suicidal?
Jay:Not actively...
Therapist:Please explain.
Jay:Well, I don’t think i have the courage to actually commit suicide. But if i were to be crossing the street and a car was coming right at me, i don’t think i would move.
by WolfGamerGirl33 April 11, 2019
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A way of saying f*ck life! And f*ck you all!
by CrazyDertu22 February 24, 2018
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The quickest way to answer life's biggest question
God? Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation?
Unless my memories getting erased after, it's time to have suicide and find out!
by EdemaOmega September 11, 2005
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Suicide is the act of taking one's self from the world.

Wait...why did you search this up?! (⊙_⊙;)

I understand life is becoming a piece of shit for you, but that does not mean that you should harm or even kill yourself. Doing that will just make things worse for you. It will make your family and friends miss you even more, and trust me, even the Internet is gonna know.

Everyone still needs you. It's going to be harder for them to do their normal activities without you. Don't put yourself on the line like are still human. Even if the world feels as if it turned its back against you, that's not true! There might be someone out in a different country or state that needs your help, or just wants to be your friend/soulmate. Remember that you are loved by many, and without you, everyone feels lost.

First of all, I'm not a doctor or therapist. If you need any further assistance, please dial 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to the SAMHSA organization. I'm just here to give advice for anyone feeling like they lost hope. There is a very touching Twitter post by @agustdickian, which reads:

ARMY: "Can I confess something?"
BTS: "Sure."
ARMY: "Your smile is the prettiest smile that I ever seen."
BTS: "Can I confess as well?"
ARMY: "Oh, sure!"
BTS: "This smile only exists because of you."

In the meanwhile, make sure to do something that makes you happy. Cook a delicious meal, listen to your Spotify playlists, or hug someone you love. 愛してるよ~♡
Suicide is not a joke. It's a serious condition that's just going to make matters worse. Please don't do it because we love you. 愛してるよ~♡
by monstaudios March 14, 2021
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Just do it - Nike

Fr though if you are suicidal get some help you aren’t alone and people will miss you hope this made you laugh a little. And ease the stress I’ve been there it gets better. Just make sure you punch your bully square in the crotch I’d say dick but god knows what people say they have down there
I told Shia I wanted to kill myself he just kept yelling just do it in front of a green screen so I attempted suicide but saw this post and changed my mind to
by RadicalRacist September 16, 2018
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