(v.) to poop; specifically, to poop blissfully (also, "drop a Claude")

history: The bathroom in the Pepper Center, a museum dedicated to the late Senator Claude Pepper (D-FL), is a favorite stop for Florida State University students with impending bowel movements.
After eating that delicious burger at the Loop, it was time to shake hands with the senator.
by Tom August 26, 2004
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Person 1: what're you up to?
Person 2:(moaning) shaking hands with the president..
Person 1: comon do it..
Person 2: do what?
Person 1: shake hands with the president.
by Kelly Speresh July 9, 2007
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The act of wanking it, jerking off, or masturbating as it is most commonly called.
Im gonna go shake hands with beef before we hit the road, I don't want to have to sperm it up on the way.
by Ginkyzord October 12, 2006
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