A smooth-brained individual who fucks everything up on a consistent level.
Get a load of this fuckin' banana Roofer.
by Banana Roofer June 11, 2021
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A booty roofer is someone who is addicted to taking drugs by putting them up their butt.
by 3ringbinder December 21, 2015
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Roofer is not just an occupation but also a way to insult someone. Usually used in a sentence with the same words as piece of shit, broke ass, drunk ass, loser ass, and drug addict ass. Roofers are usually known to have more beer in their body than water and also contain one or more semi illegal substances in their blood stream. On a job interview, saying that you are a former crackhead or have been incarcerated is a bonus. Can always be spotted driving anything they can strap a ladder on or at the nearest convince store asking for a twenty spot. Older roofers look beat down by sun exposure and hard labor. You can tell by that their backs look like an old wrinkled leather couch. Roofers always live each day to party and are stuck in a continuous spiral. Even when they get a paycheck, they still don’t have any money due to their child support, fines, paying back loans, and their crazy ass girls. Roofing takes a crazy ass person to endure the hardships, but at least they are good in bed. (Raw dogging expected)
Jannett, what does your boyfriend do for a living?

Dad he’s a roofer

Oh my gosh honey where did we go wrong?
by Mjc1125 January 17, 2018
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