A fart emitted from the vaginal cavity of a woman's uterine wall.
when dorothy (a 74 year old female metrosexual with brown hair) and elliot are gettin' it on, she quiefs violently.
by Jammasta Lark November 25, 2003
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Hey Eisza, let me see you quief!
by Keith D. October 3, 2006
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A Bubble of Air Formed From The Outer Vaginal Skin Area.
I Fucked That Bitch So Hard, Her Pussy Was Quiefing
by John Doe May 27, 2004
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A vaginal fart that comes from a whole lot of screwing!
One night, after a bootylicious time w/ my man, i let out the longest, wettest, loudest quief. i kind of quief a lot.
by Puddy April 8, 2004
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thats the most disgusting thing that could happen when you are down their eatin' her out, and then....sssppppfffff!!! she quiefs in your face and the smell goes down your throat and you puke!
lets not give any graphic examples
by nikink September 9, 2004
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when woman farts out of her vagina, producing a disgusting smell.
yo man yesterday roman smelled like quief!
by Mr.B.Vieira May 13, 2006
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A snatch burb or sneeze that is caused by penetration of anything, including a douche, emitting air causing the snatch to expand and yawn and emit an amount of air.
Anne the dwarf, was FUCKING her husband Smurf, she was orgasimic all night long and let out a quief during the orgasims
by Kate April 10, 2004
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