What a creepy being will say when they're actually tricking you into a jumpscare
"Let's play a game!"
uh oh
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If some one is up in your business tell the to step off and say we play no games. You have to get in there face about it and make it with emotion. It means i'm not kidding, don't mess with me or I'll kick your ass.
Porsha: What are you looking at?
Tasha: What do you think?
Porsha: We play no game bitch.
by Missy July 1, 2004
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A feature of the game Overwatch, which highlights the "best" play of the match at the end of the match.
I'm totally gonna get play of the game bro
Nah mate, It'll probably get stolen by a bastion holding down leftclick
by Ryfster July 2, 2016
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when one uses the the excuse of playing video games when they are caught with their shlongs out after filming a gay porno.
what are you doing?!?
Gah!! Were playing video games!!
by GMC/CAB February 8, 2011
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Expression used by geeks for a circle jerk.
Me and my buds stayed in a just watching porn and "playing video games" together all night.
by Jackson 5 August 31, 2006
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