When someone wets you so hard, it's like watching Michael Phelps kill his competitors in Olympic swimming.

Aww boy that's all you got? he was phelpsing on yo' bitchass.
by G-race the mad italian August 23, 2008
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so be an awesome beast, of or like Michael Phelps, win an enormous amount of gold medals and be amazing
Omg he is phelpsing.(as someone is beating everyone else by alot)
by Jojo785 August 18, 2008
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Dude, me and a couple of people are gonna go Michael Phelpsing after school. Wanna go?
by xxshroomxx March 5, 2009
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In any activity if one wins unfairly or portrays the way Michael Phelps won his seventh gold medal in the Beijing Olympics.
In a video game:

Jon: HAHAH! I WON!!!

Molly: No, i won. Look, i shot you by 100th of a second!

Jon: Maaan! you just totally Michael Phelpsed me!
by Kaorusnanx3 August 18, 2008
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1. To smoke herbs in preparation for a competitive event or in celebration of the victory of a competitive event
"Hey guys I'm Phelpsing right now I will be ready for the match in a few minutes."

"Bro, that was an amazing match, I am going to be Phelpsing with the good stuff tonight!"
by Hardluck December 25, 2012
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