Verb. Oikawa is another way of saying ‘fuck this up’ or ‘fuck up’ depending on how it’s presented
Iwaizumi:let’s not oikawa this anymore than it needs to be
by Bokutosrightasscheek March 25, 2021
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one of the best and well written characters in haikyuu and the loml .
"oh look oikawa showed up on the tv screen! he's so gorgeous and amazing and talented."
by oikers June 15, 2021
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A flat, door-looking volleyball player from Haikyuu.
Person 1: “Hey, watch out! You’re going to bump into that door.”

Person 2: “What door? That’s Oikawa..”

Person 1: “Exactly-“
by todorokis_teakettle_ October 20, 2020
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Oikawa is just a door and a twink
by Tobio Kageama October 11, 2020
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a hottie but gets called a door and/or flattykawa
i can use oikawa as my door
by November 2, 2020
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A word used to describe a door that loves milkbread and hitting it till it breaks.
Tooru Oikawa’s favorite food is milkbread. His personal motto is if you’re gonna hit it, hit it till it breaks.”
by oikawaisaflattwink October 12, 2020
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