An email that corrupts the frontal lobe of the brain to sever one or more nerve tracts, a technique used by upper management to verily confuse thier work force. Email that can diminish our analytical capacities, and rob us of the ability to synthesize various threads of data into one logical conclusion.

After reading that e-lobotomy I believe I have actually lost IQ points.
by Jay Pissle August 11, 2006
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A lobomoty performed by satilights.
Hey i just got my cyber lobotomy, you should get one too.
by Irdjk June 21, 2021
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When some one stops being retarded
Oh I hope Ben had his reverse lobotomy he NEEDS to stop playin
by H-J the sequel May 2, 2023
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The condition where you have so much of your life, knowledge, etc. on your smart phone and you subsequently lose/break it. Basically, half or more of your intellect disappears when your phone is disabled or lost.
Dude, I just lost my phone and I'm suffering from a technical lobotomy.
by cgoodric August 13, 2012
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When one puts something so far up their arse that it hits the brain.
"Janice told me today that she wants try a sodomy lobotomy with the family broom."
by _Spooky_ January 22, 2020
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While receiving oral, the man (at the moment of climax) pulls out and stuffs the tip of the penis (urethra) in one of the female's nostrils to let the load loose.

Bonus points - Egyptian Lobotomy - Only achievable with an exceptionally thick load...removal of the load looks like a step within the Egyptian mummification in process - pulling out the brain through the nose...
Last night I pulled the Jizz Lobotomy on my girl... Cleared out her sinus problem in one shot!
by Dewyz1100 January 11, 2011
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