Basically the best book and movie series ever. (My opinion!)
Yesterday I watched the whole series of Harry Potter
by GryffindorForeva February 28, 2019
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When one does/says something that is Harry Potter related.
Annie: "What's that dude doing?"
Morgan: "Dude it's obvious - he's Harry Pottering."
by morgzannie July 27, 2010
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A dishonest boy from a popular series of novels written by J.K. Rowling that claims he can do magic, ride a flying broomstick, and even vanquish the almighty Lord Voldemort, but really, always has the help of his more talented friends, including the aged gay man named Dumbledore, the dimwitted retard named Ron, and the sexy & smart girl named Hermione. Harry Potter secretly plans to kill Voldemort because he is his only competitor, then he plans to take over the Ministry of Magic and recruit more villains. Overtaking the government and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is his main goal.
Ron was homosexual, and in love with his best friend, Harry Potter.
by potterfreak18 November 20, 2007
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The act of staying at college over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring vacations, just like Harry did for every vacation.
Roommate: Hey, are you going home for Thanksgiving break?

You: Nah, plane tickets are too expensive. I'm Harry-Pottering it this time.
by collegium September 26, 2011
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The ghetto Harry Potter who possesses the voice of Whitey from Eight Crazy Nights and was born from a bag of potato chips.
Harry Cheng Potter?! WHAT THE HECK?! Is he the new William Hung?
by dude April 12, 2004
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Harry potter- The son of the late Lily and James potter who sacrificed themselves for thier son. He currently lives with his Uncle and Aunt who hate the majick world, he is the only one who ever lived through the avada kedavra (sorry if mispelled) curse. His godfather was sirius black but sadly he dies. At the end of the greatest series of books in the world on Harry or Voldemort has to die... (hope voldie dies!!)
by Laurren March 24, 2005
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Harry Potter is the best book series you can ever read. Some people say the movies ruin it but I think the movies make it a lot better but I suggest you read the books first it makes more sense if you do. Others think it’s just meant for kids. Those people are FUCKING IDIOTS. I admit the first couple of books might seem just fun and light hearted but rust me the amount of foreshadowing in it is unreal. Harry Potter is a book series you should definitely read. I envy you because you still have the joy of reading the series.
Bitch ass hoe: yo Harry Potter sucks and is for kids
God of all humanity: you’re a fucking idiot go die Harry Potter is the bes
by Ur mommy69 January 2, 2019
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