1. a country creating colonies in generally uninhabited, unclaimed areas

2. Invasion of the colon (ass)
1. In the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries Britain was very big on COLONIZATION

2. Shit that doctor just gave me some mad COLONIZATION
by captain awesomely amazing September 16, 2006
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Thinking that all groups of white people (Europeans) colonized everything is ignorance, and it spreads like wildfire. You don't hear about many Russian or Polish colonies outside Europe/Eurasia. You don't hear about many parts of the world colonized by Eastern European groups. The Greeks also don't do much colonizing in recent history, so it's mainly been about 7 or 8 groups of Europeans that did most of the colonizing worldwide (English, Dutch, German, French, Belgian, Spanish, Portugeuse, and Italian). Those 7 or 8 groups have had a lot of the influence in Europe, so people in other parts of the world wouldn't have any more time to differentiate between an Italian and a Bosnian than someone in Europe would have time to differentiate between a Tanzanian and a South African, thus theres a lot of assumptions and ignorance based on what people look like.
Not even every family in every country that did colonize other parts of the world was involved in colonization. There were people/families in England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium that didn't have the time on the money to go out and explore the world, look for gold, or enslave other groups. They were going to work for the same kinds of people that were colonizing other parts of the world.
by Solid Mantis September 27, 2020
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to turn a female virgin into a good member of society.
by Noaches232 December 4, 2014
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Having the traits or behaviour of an arse or an arsehole.
John: Told ya you wouldn't get that promotion, Jim!
Paul: Dude, don't be so colonic. Jim really needed that promotion.
by PublicVoid June 25, 2018
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someone who is white and likes pickles, mustard, peanut butter, and a girl name abi
matt is a colonizer,
by a_bssssssss October 29, 2020
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Similar to the shy bladder, this is the inability to defecate while other people are nearby.
I sat on the toilet in the bathroom stall at work for an unproductive hour not because I was constipated, but because I have a shy colon and other people kept coming in.
by Bogrimm February 11, 2018
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The living reincarnation of Harambe. Also known as Big Sexy, this majestic beast pitches for the Mets. He has gained a considerable amount of weight because nothing on Earth can challenge his superhuman strength.
Me: Man, I wish I was Bartolo Colon.
Friend: Who doesn't?
by Frisk This October 3, 2016
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