Sticking Two Fingers Inside of one asshole to spread it apart.
I Did the Chopstick on ur mom last night
by 1a2b3c3c2b1a February 17, 2021
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ex1. Did you hear about shannon? Matt and Andy chopsticked her last night.

ex2. Steve walked in on them chopsticking her
by Capt. DP September 21, 2009
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Typically seen as a pair of long and thin hand utensils. Designed for eating and cooking food. Most notably, people of the Leo zodiac are known to use them with exceptionally poor skill. The world record for most candies picked up with chop sticks within 1 minute is held by a Gemini. As a side note, Gemini are dope.
by Dope9912345 July 9, 2017
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the act of using two fingers (usually index and thumb) to eat food in order to avoid getting other fingers dirty
Bob: Can i have some of your popcorn
Alex: sure!
Bob: can u pass me the big fluffy looking one?
Alex: *sneezes* sorry man, better start "chopsticking"
by Mama Cosma June 27, 2011
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Sexual Act; the act of two males using their erect penises to pick up random objects by using them like chopsticks.
Dwight, do you want to come over and play pee stream swords? Maybe after we can play some chopsticks.
by sniq May 15, 2011
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When two men place their penis together and one of the men operate them like a pair of chopsticks.
" Hey bro, pick up that pickled onion while CHOPSTICKING me"
by P1PE June 23, 2017
When a woman gives two guys a handjob with the same hand at the same time.
Tyler and Brett are headed over to the massage parlor because the masseuse gives chopsticks.
by Author's ashes February 26, 2019
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