A butthole jerk and loves to annoy his siblings and is weird
I cleaned the basement why are you yelling at me branden
by Gfihvyjgg December 9, 2018
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he's a real-life ginger..... he is also a witch and kind of an asshole but his mom still kinda loves him for who he is. but shes also a little scared
need to turn your friend into a frog contact Branden
by borob October 30, 2019
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everything a girl wants. hot body goes to fletcher and gets all the girls. anywhere he goes so do hot girls. likes to hang out and play soccer. dresses like a prep.
Branden Riley is the hottest and coolest guy ever
by Branden Riley November 25, 2008
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Massive horse cock, will absolutely rip apart your ass hole
Girl: whip out dick
Branden: pulls it out
Girl:You have a brandens penis
by Girl that is hot December 8, 2018
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Drummer for The Used,
The best drummer ever to exist, the best drummer in the world, the sexiest drummer ever.
Dude, that guy is SUCH a Branden Steineckert.
by ummmmm47 August 20, 2006
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