A person mixed with black and asian descent and has been greatly exposed to both individual cultures (Visiting Korea is a must!!) Blasians also known as B.K.'s because the term was first used by a Blasian crew in Hannam Village, Seoul, Korea.
I think people that are black and asian are the shizznit. You must be talking about Blasians and they are all about making notes and watching them stack.
by Roshdi January 29, 2004
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Someone who is of African and Asian descent.
Crystal Kay is a beautiful and talented Blasian girl.
by CKluv February 17, 2010
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The true master race, hitler's dream army. They have the intelligence and booksmarts of asian peoples, along with athletic build, big sex organs, and street smarts of african americans. Blasians are appearing on late night tv shows, and even wendy's commercials. They are not to be trifled with, every blasian is a weapon of mass destruction, they just don't know it yet.
"Hey, do you see that guy over there? He looks black, but asian..."
"DUDE, THATS A FABLED BLASIAN, we have to RUN right NOW before he sees and devours our souls!"
by Valkarion117 October 4, 2012
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When the DNA between a black an Asian gets mixed together this creature is made
Jeff: Dude did you see that Blasian guy last night?
Nick: No, Whats a Blasian
Jeff: A black Asian guy
Nick: Thats racist

Jeff: No its not thats what he is!
Nick: Whatever dude
by ronnie76games@gmail.com May 24, 2015
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Hey did you see that guy walk past? He was like half black and half asian. He was blasian.
by TWoods October 29, 2007
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A child born of African-American and Asian parentage.
My parents are very progressive: I'm a Blasian."
Old Timey: " My dad served in Korea."
Examples: Kimora Lee Simmons, Hines Ward

Questionable Examples: Wu Tang Klan
by rumtopf February 2, 2011
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short for Black/ African - Asian
Her blasian looks made it impossible for her friends to pin point her roots.
by YaaTiwaah March 22, 2018
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