That guy at the bar was a real tool so I BIB'ed his beer when he went to the rest room.
by Trapper01 December 27, 2011
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A very sexy individual who is extremely tall and has a big willy. Often uses the word bib to mean hello, and biiiiiib as an abbreviation for what r u talking about. Is commonly seen around South Kensington and elephant and castle, has a thing for French/drunk girls. Is a stud.
Bib 1: Bib
Bib 2: yes bib
bib 1: shoutup
by notbib September 25, 2020
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Overalls. They type that arent tight like a farmer and they are saggy.
Holly had her bibs on today but, she didn't look like no farmer!
by frog4lunch November 6, 2003
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A way of saying "what are those". A person who is wearing shoes without a name brand or with a uncommon name brand.
"Ew he got bibs on"

"Lmaoo what are those this nigga got bibs on"
by Suriyah July 28, 2017
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When you set up someone for an easy score, either in a sport like hockey or soccer, or even with a girl or guy.
Dude, I totally bibbed you with that girl last night.
by H3RO x Merc May 24, 2013
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a shorterned/slang version of library.
sally: hey. we're going to the bib!
john: great! i have 7 movies coming in!
sally: you bib whore.
by akj February 13, 2005
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