Stop being a Bernard and help me out.
by Boiiii 1928 June 20, 2017
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Coming from the phrase "Gutted Bernard" - Bernard is the phrase uttered when something unfortunate happens to someone. When you would usually say "Gutted", simply say "Bernard" as it carries more resonance

Also acceptable - Gutted Bernard, GB, Beeeeeerrrrrrrnnnnnaaaaaaarrrrrrddddddd, Ecclestone (Bernie)
"I just lost £50 betting Liverpool would win the league"

"That girl refused to give me her number"
by BennyHudson October 12, 2009
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An ugly ass monkey that eats his own shit and is a man whore. He commonly dates people and after calls them Hoe he will get with anyone to use them. Bernards favorite food is dog piss
Bernard is disgusting
by Babygirrrl222 November 14, 2017
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to be pummeled to a bloody pulp, to awake in a dumpster by the hands of a tiny girl
Dude, I got beat up and woke up in a dumpster." "Dude, you just got bernarded.
by hey9999 July 27, 2011
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A euphemism used for the derogatory term beaner, though not as insulting.
Man 1: Dude I can't believe all these "bernards" are taking our jobs.
Man 2: I know! It's unbelievable!
by Bean-Bernard May 9, 2019
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West Belfast slang
Used to describe males who are considered to be of low intelligence and/or socially awkward.
Yeah, I know him and he's an absolute Bernard.
by Mope 9t6 October 24, 2022
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The defenition of child abuse.
If you were called this at birth, consider a name change.
Mother: I'll call him Bernard.
Doctor: That's child abuse you horrible cunt.
by MudderFukcer June 4, 2020
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