n. Bitch With a Baby (an attractive young woman who has one or more children). pl. Bitches With Babies
So I was checkin' this girl out, and then I saw her pushin' a stroller, and I was like "damn, I ain't even tryin to mess wit a BWB."
by solomon January 28, 2005
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An acronym used mostly on Facebook to notify another user that the chat box used in the instant messaging system has gone blank, leaving the other user unaware of what his/her friend just typed.
"Hey, what time is the party?"

" "

"huh? bwb."
by SAGE95 April 25, 2010
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A male or female who becomes a fan, or likes something for the fallowing reasons;

a.to impress someone

b.to fit into a crowd

c.to piss someone off

d.Because the team wins a lot (related to sports)

This person normally dose not know anything that they are talking about but think they do
Micheal Metz is a bwb because he tries to do anything to be funny and "cool"
by Novikid123b.b March 31, 2011
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bwb made by Emman Kiki and Leek, Is an abbreviation for text of the term bro what bro. If someone says something out of pocket , out of nowhere, or if you don't understand you can say bro what bro. If you are not texting just say the whole term Bro what bro do not say bwb.
by biggestgeneral March 29, 2023
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Boyfriend Without Benefits - A boyfriend who does everything for his girlfriend, but she doesn't put out, he is generally helplessly whipped, and in the worst cases she is sleeping with other guys while dating him.

The girl wears the pants in the relationship.
Wayne's such a BWB, I told him not to date that virgin.
by PimPin October 24, 2012
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Black wanna be: Typically young white males who through Gansta , RAP, and other urban music and dress, act like they are black.
That white boy listening to Gansta RAP and wearing bling is such a BWB.
by KathySmith December 29, 2007
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abbreviation for “bro what bro?”. a phrase said when someone says something weird or your confused.
Friend: “i need me some boneless pizza.”
Me: “bwb?”
by Idgaf66 November 2, 2019
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