A headache and feeling of nausea you get from listening to music that uses autotune.
Person 1: "Hey man, I'm gonna put on some Kanye West."

Person 2: "No man, leave that shit off. I've got a serious autotune headache."
by nothere413 September 8, 2010
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song performed by the jay z...autotune is what artist such as tpain use to make there voice sound robotic by saying death of autotune in his new song he is being original once again and going back to old school
yo main im kicking it old school fuck that autotune...yea mane death of autotune
by cmomoney...yadigg July 18, 2009
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To use the audio editing software "Autotune" way too much on a song to the point where it is no longer really a "song", although it doesn't mean that the song still isn't good.
PERSON1-"Hey have you heard the new Black Eyed Peas album:The Beginning?" PERSON2-"Yeah, I like it, but it is so Autotuned to Death!"
by LandofCupcakes7 December 27, 2011
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the one tommyvid that was rather pog

“wE WoUld LIke somE pOlLenn”
by dumbdefinitons:) April 16, 2021
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Autotune Angel is a nickname for when a rapper/artist (ex.) "Bankroll blockaye" mainly/only can rap with autotune and without it is completely useless
(Friend 1)Wow! That bankroll blockaye dude is really good. (Friend 2) nah dawg he trash without that autotune did you hear django? He is a AUTOTUNE ANGEL.
by Swervo23 July 15, 2021
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Adjective. Used to describe blatantly overprocessed vocals on recordings, or in a more general sense, as a disparaging description of any and all aspects of overproduced records. Refers to a popular pitch-correcting plugin for Pro Tools digital recording systems.
"Someone tell Britney her voice sounds like autotune."

"Dude, could they have compressed the rhythm guitar a little more? This sounds like autotune, man!"
by Danny Delinquent December 17, 2004
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