Women whom are left outside of a dressing or hotel room when a Celebrity picks only 3 out of 100 groupies to come in to hang out with them or for other activities #AngryBirds
Hey why are all those girls bangin on that door all upset and what not? They didnt get picked for private time with Justin Beiber, those poor Angry Birds.
by Rahzy Von Party February 24, 2011
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A game that is no longer relevant. The devs keep trying to make dumb spinoff games to revive the franchise, but that never works. Somehow, they still manage to make blockbuster movies.
by ChiefLEGOLover January 13, 2021
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The tension felt in the few seconds after launching a bird in Angry Birds where you don't know if the bird will connect with a precise spot on a target to get you 3 stars in a specific level. Most of the time Angry Birds anxiety is followed by an immense feeling of frustration.
Yo, man!! Why are you tensing up every time you tap your iphone screen??

Playin' Angry Birds man. Got a bit of Angry Birds anxiety goin'... can't get the 3 stars in this level!!
by Tommyt July 27, 2011
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the act of pooping while playing angry birds, becoming synonymous with the act of pooping itself.
"Honey I must "play angry birds" before we go out to dinner."

"Hey, going to play angry birds right quick!"

"I want to go play angry birds but we are at your mothers house!!!"
by R double Big D December 5, 2011
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(Aves malevolus) Two circular red spots, approx. two inches wide, commonly appearing just above the knees after prolonged visits to restrooms. In severe cases accompanied by numbness of the legs.
I just bumped into my boss outside the restroom with an angry birds rash that was so bad I could hardly walk.
by SkateLikeYouMeanIt June 1, 2011
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Playing Angry Birds for so long that it drains the battery of your mobile device.
Dude, I been texting you all day!! Where the hell you been?

Sorry Dude, Angry Birds Drain.
by Tommyt August 5, 2011
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When you smother your junk in extra creamy peanut butter, sprinkle assorted bird seeds on it, and then stand outside while birds peck on your pecker. You are required to laugh at the irony of it all.
Dude, go double check those migration patterns before I do the angry bird feeder...
by Sir Curly Jefferson May 12, 2011
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