Andover is a small town located in Minnesota, The high school has been nick named the “rich kids, also very similar to andover high in massachusetts we also have a absent amount of black students and our main rival is Anoka,but in reality we are the real A town. from rich parents with millions of money,andover has lots of loaded kids with money to blow on expensive clothes shoes bags and anything designer. Andover is considered the Princeton of anoka hennepin, with it’s new 50 million renovation our school will still be the grand school beating anokas prison walls and coon rapids mini office looking high school, and blaine’s copycat version of anoka high, The kids here fall into a few categories and if you don’t fall into a clique your usually irrelevant, there are different types of popular people ranging from jocks to druggies. Many transfer students come in taxis to school,some from group homes who usually leave in less than a year,because they probably cannot keep up with the extensive style of the Andover kids. Take one of these kids to Anoka High and they’ll have there ass handed to them, in andover they have money popularity and a clique,take them to a new school and they’ll have nothing. point is,only go to andover if your rich. Most kids like to join after school activitys instead of getting drunk or high on a weekend.
“Dude did you see Her new car?”
No dude i havnt,what car is it?”
“it’s a Mercedes
“oh she must be from andover high
by jerimyajenkinglyn May 19, 2019
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A town full of little rich kids constantly competing to who has the worst life. They tend to live off attention and immaturity.
The typical North Andover conversation: "Oh my god she said this about her and she saw him doing this and I swear she said that he told his aunt that he did this."
by -The rest of the world February 2, 2011
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First off, the person who wrote the other definition is just a big fatass girl that labels people. And you didn't even discribe the town, you discribed the people in it and you're a hipocrite because you said you hated when the girls drank but you do to. And the boys don't like you because you're a fat pizza faced druggie.

Here is what North Andover is like in the eyes of someone who has a chance in life. North Andover is a great town to live in. Yes there are some people that do drugs and other things, but thats not the point, past all that North Andover is a great town with great people. Just getting along is just one thing you need to do.

One more time, don't read the other definition because that person has an I.Q. of -40
"Hey have you heard about North Andover?"

"Yea it's a great town to live in!"
by Thatkidfromthistown August 25, 2009
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Why are people hatin' on North Andover for getting fucked up every weekend? I love getting fucked up every weekend.
Hey bro , what you doing this weekend?

Headin' to North Andover to get fucked up!
by Titalus November 3, 2010
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A public high school in MA which contains multitudes of students with far too much time on their hands. Nearly every single one of these Andover High students applied ot the prestigious prep school Phillips Academy-which is ust up the road- but did not get in. These students lack any talent or ability, and then spend their Saturday nights driving up and down Main Street taunting Phillips Academy students because they are jealous and bored. A favorite means of harassment for Andover High students is to open their windows and either throw something (i.e. pumpkins, eggs) or scream. The favorite taunt is, "catboner". Catboner remains undefined and no one (including the Andover High students knows what it means).
Person A: Wow, did you hear that Andover High student just yell 'catboner' out the window?

Person B: I sure did. Those kids and there meaningless taunts are exact proof of our wasted tax money.

Person A: I know, if only they had been smart or interesting enough to go to Phillips Academy...
by Amanda1234124 June 15, 2007
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A small town in north-eastern Massachusetts. There is only one public high school, good old NAHS, so you'll probably end up going there. It's a pretty sick school, it's new and big. NAHS is famous world-wide for the recent pot brownies incident which shut down the junior prom. North Andover is a pretty boring town, if you're a teenager there's pretty much nothing to do except go to parties every weekend. The people in North Andover are generally rich, so parents usually go away on vacations to Costa Rica or the Bahamas, leaving their bratty little kids to throw ragers while they're gone.

The kids in North Andover are generally alright, but you have your groups: annoying middle-schoolers, freshman, hoes, ghetto kids, asians, sheltered girls, druggies, jocks, popular girls, trashy girls, popular guys (usually the jocks), sexually active GSA (gay-straight alliance) group, and the edgy kids.
person 1: "Hey what town was on the news for the pot brownies again?"

person 2: "North Andover, duhh!"

person 1: "Of course it's North Andover!!"
by asdfghjkl33 April 10, 2011
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North Andover is a rich ass town with two kinds of people in it. Either you're rich and don't appreciate it or you struggle to afford even fitting in at the public schools. Girls say either say they are sluts, but aren't really or they say they are the most innocent person ever and wear short shots and try to get with every guy. Guys are super bored with their lives and do something to themselves that will get other people's attention. And anybody who can actually afford a car gets cars that look way better than the teachers' cars in high school. There's also 2 types of people in North Andover. You're either really innocent and don't know shit about the real world or you know EVERYTHING and waste your knowledge on asking for certain pictures on snap chat and smoking cocaine. Also the people who are rich are best friends with EVERY teacher at school and always get good grades and the people who are average or less with money are not liked by the teachers and get average grades and have average everything.
Me-"what town do you live in?"
Person- "Lawrence, you?"
Me-"North Andover."
Person-"Oh that's a rich town."
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