A pair engaging in sexual intercourse in a bass drum.
Sexual prowess can be determined by the strength and frequency of the beats.
band geek #1hey is there a sound coming from the music classroom ?
band geek #2 why yes there is, I think Freddy's GF is giving him some 80
by clearly disturbed person March 3, 2006
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when somethings to crazy for words.
do you even remember last night
negs broda, that shit was straight 80s.
by O.C. 7th street December 11, 2008
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The term 80 is the word in our english language reffering to you are a fuckin idiot for looking up the term 80 in an urban dictionary you white surburbian bastard
You are a fuckin 80 you white surburbian bastard
by King Marcus August 6, 2004
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To express ones utter disgust at something that is old / not of current use or of the past.
'man i was playing Urban Strike on Genesis the other day'
'man thats so fucking 80s '"
by Sitrix November 8, 2007
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the number
person 1: whats 79+1
person 2: 80 dumbass. how do you not know what 79+1 is?
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The act of “multitasking” while masturbating. You might call your friend while masturbating but it’s not gay because you’re multitasking.
Jeremy: I spend a lot of time multitasking

Michael: multitasking? like page 80
by Billy the Alien May 19, 2020
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