Meaning to weigh down some one with your own problems, or to not help but add more issues to a situation.
Me:*Gets off work at the end of the day and sits on the couch.*

Roommate:*Roommate walks in.*"Man school sucks so fuckin bad, I had......long rant here..."

Me:"Get off me rock your sinkin man, I just got off work."

by joeshmoe200022 August 26, 2008
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when Isaiah doesn't get his nasty ass foot fungus feet off of my nice, blue little table and we all gotta fuckin jump him in smash because he playin Ganon like the nasty bitch he really be. nasty funky lookin feet with the fungus from wario's ass

otherwise known as a total bruh moment
Isaiah get your feet off the fucking table bruh thats my good table i put food there bitch ass
by inkdoom July 22, 2019
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The first line of the Constitution. What people said to George Washington a lot.

Used in modern times as an insult.

This is a very rude and mean thing to say to someone.
Ben: Get off your high horse, George Washington!

Emily: That's the rudest thing anyone has ever said to me.
by Little Sunshine Face January 21, 2009
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Used to shut up swagger jackers, haters, and others tryin to mess up our grind.
Alexa was swagger jackin so i was like "Get off my Hustle and Get on my Level!"
by GuruCMU November 16, 2006
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Used by old men, or women; who have no respect for kids, or teens, playing outdoor games. This is a phrase generally uttered within seconds of someone touching the lawn. Its almost as if the person sits and waits, like a robot, waiting for someone to go on thier lawn. People uttering this line normally have shotguns, and will fire randomly if provoked.
Kid: This is a fun game of Manhunt *Steps on Lawn.

by SuperOmegaMan January 6, 2009
Used when playing Super Smash Bros Melee and the dumbass you're playing against (he's probably using Jiggly Puff) forgets that you've been charging a smash attack. You then unleash its fury and exclaim, "Get your gay off my land!!!"
Dumbass: Dude, I'm totally 1337 at this game!

You: (while unleashing fury) Get your gay off my land!!!
by Joel T December 9, 2007
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