When your friends you introduced to each other no longer invite you out for a drink they just go without you
I just got a video text of Bill and Bobby having a drink without me. I guess I am not Bill and Bobby worthy
by Artie T April 23, 2019
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The little wiggle you do when something positive happens - usually induced by someone you love
When something positive happens or when you love someone and they make you happy so you do a little wiggle - “ my boyfriend /girlfriend is wiggle worthy” - “he/she makes me wiggle”
by Bubbles98 December 12, 2017
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A girl that is attractive enough that a big husky man would take the time to lay on her hood so she can drive her car out of the ditch.
Bryan: Man, look at that hot chick. She sure knows how to wear a pair of yoga pants!!
Matt: Yeah, she is for sure hood worthy!
by Jgum89 February 19, 2016
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Beholding a face worthy of a golden shower.

Golden shower- the act of being peed on the face
by Fleecedontmiss May 25, 2023
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adj. Used to describe a person suitable for sexual relations, worthy of a spaff.
by Jon Arne May 16, 2007
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Something which looks good enough to eat, Commonly used as a replacement for "Sexy".
John: Sally's picture is Nom-Worthy.
by Per20 November 6, 2011
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