
the most basic place for anyone from melb to go to on the summer holidays. If you don’t have a place down there then you’re sorta inadequate...sorry! days will consist of going out on dads boat and getting a lift in your Range Rover to sorrento where you’ll get an Itali.co pizza and eat some mubble ice cream. What rich melbourne girls ig doesn’t feature a photo of them sunbaking in portsea with their tigelily bathers and Turkish towel
Me: are you going down to portsea this summer
Friend: nah we had to sell the house

Me: oh why
Friend: dad lost his job
by Toorakportsea December 12, 2018
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Portsea Maccas

A mythical place your friends go to on a late night maccas run. Typically of great distance to your present location. Portsea Maccas still sells that far far away shrek pasta with those little green shreky hand tongs.
“Where are you guys?”
“Portsea Maccas!!!”

“Where we going?”
“Porstsea maccas.”
by mxiom August 16, 2020
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